Optimizing Your Pick-and-Pack Warehouse

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      “Workers’ movements between specific pickup locations account for nearly 60% of their work time and greatly affect cost.”

      —Gwynne Richards, Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse


      Welcome to ITB Packaging’s guide to optimizing your pick-and-pack warehouse! This article will navigate you through the complexities of pick-and-pack warehouses, revealing indispensable techniques for establishing and refining these essential distribution and fulfillment centers. Whether you’re an industry veteran or a newcomer, our goal is to equip you with valuable knowledge to reduce expenses, bolster protection, augment density, and encourage sustainability.


      1. Location and Layout

      Finding the perfect location for your pick-and-pack warehouse is a crucial step. Consider factors such as:

      • Proximity to customers
      • Transportation infrastructure
      • Labor availability
      • Real Estate costs
      • Market access
      • Infrastructure and utilities
      • Regulatory environment
      • Risk factors
      • Expansion opportunities, and
      • Business Incentives

      Once you’ve secured the ideal location, focus on designing a layout that maximizes efficiency and minimizes unnecessary movement. Organize your storage areas logically, and group products that are often picked together. Reducing travel time will increase productivity and keep fulfillment numbers high!

      Learn how to apply the “ABC Analysis” to help optimize the picking process developed by Gwenn Richards in this short video (01:51)

      For more on warehouse layouts, check out this video by ShipEdge (04:36)

      2. Equipment and Technology
      Equipping your warehouse with the right tools is paramount to success. Invest in sturdy shelving units, pallet racks, and conveyors to optimize storage and movement. To take your operation to the next level, embrace technology. Automated sorting systems and barcode scanners can drastically improve accuracy and speed. Harness the power of data with inventory management software, allowing you to track stock levels, forecast demand, and make smarter decisions.

      3. Staffing and Training
      Your warehouse team is the backbone of your operation. Hire individuals who understand the importance of precision and efficiency. Provide comprehensive training to ensure they know the picking and packing methods you implement. Foster a positive work environment that encourages collaboration and communication. Keep your team motivated, and they will be more productive!

      4. Inventory Management Systems
      Maintaining control over inventory is crucial for any successful pick-and-pack warehouse. Implementing a robust inventory management system will enable you to track stock levels in real-time, automate reordering, and reduce the risk of stockouts. Leverage technology to your advantage and avoid inventory nightmares.


      Efficient picking and packing methods are crucial for optimizing warehouse operations and ensuring timely order fulfillment. Here are some standard methods used in the industry:

      1. Zone Picking
        Imagine your warehouse divided into zones, each assigned to a specific picker. Zone picking allows for simultaneous selection within different areas, increasing efficiency and reducing congestion. By strategically organizing your product locations, you’ll minimize the distance traveled and maximize fulfillment speed.
      2. Wave Picking
        Instead of completing orders one by one, wave picking allows you to group similar orders. By optimizing the sequence of picking tasks, you can minimize travel time and make the most of your resources.
      3. Batch Picking
        Picture this: multiple orders, one cart. Batch picking involves selecting products for multiple orders simultaneously. As you navigate the warehouse, collecting items for each order, you reduce travel time and increase productivity.
      4. Piece Picking
        Piece picking involves individually selecting items for each order. While time-consuming, this method is ideal for businesses handling complex or fragile products. With careful attention to detail, you’ll ensure every customer receives their unique selection.


      Order fulfillment is a critical aspect of any business that involves shipping products to customers. Various approaches to order fulfillment exist, each with its advantages and considerations. Let’s explore some of the common practices:

      1. Merchant Fulfillment: Merchant fulfillment is where sellers manage the entire order fulfillment process in their fulfillment centers. It involves inventory storage, order picking and packing, and direct shipping to customers. This method offers sellers comprehensive control over the fulfillment process but necessitates warehouse space, equipment, and workforce investment.
      2. Dropshipping: Dropshipping is a fulfillment method where sellers don’t hold inventory. Instead, they collaborate with suppliers who ship products directly to their customers. In this approach, sellers act as intermediaries, focusing on marketing and customer service while relying on suppliers for storage and shipping. Dropshipping eliminates the need for sellers to manage a physical warehouse but may result in less control over inventory and order fulfillment.
      3. Third-Party Fulfillment: Third-party fulfillment involves outsourcing the entire order fulfillment process to a specialized company. These companies have dedicated fulfillment centers, inventory management systems, and experienced picking, packing, and shipping staff.
      4. Blended: A blended fulfillment method can combine two or three of the above models. For example, when a company handles all order fulfillment internally, except for outsourcing to a third party during peak times and holidays. This company might also drop-ship directly from the manufacturer for large or bulky products.


      In warehousing and distribution, the pillars of success rest on improving inefficiencies, maintaining accuracy, managing time effectively, and optimizing space. These aspects directly impact the operation’s smoothness, productivity, service reliability, and growth potential, making their ongoing assessment and improvement vital.

      1. Inefficient Processes: Inefficiency can creep into any warehouse. Bottlenecks, poor organization, and manual data entry can impede the flow of operations. Identify and address these inefficiencies promptly to optimize your pick and pack processes.
      2. Accuracy and Quality Control: The last thing you want is for your customers to receive the wrong items or damaged goods. Ensuring consistent and precise accuracy in all quality control measures is vital. Implement rigorous inspection procedures, double-checking each order before it leaves the warehouse. Embrace technology to automate quality control processes, reducing errors and enhancing customer satisfaction.
      3. Time Management: Efficient time management is crucial for meeting customer expectations and beating the competition. Set realistic deadlines, optimize workflows, and empower your team to work smarter, not harder. Remember, time is a valuable asset that can make or break your warehouse’s success.
      4. Space Optimization: Space is a precious commodity in any warehouse. Inefficient use of space can lead to wasted resources, higher costs, and limited growth potential. Embrace innovative storage solutions like mezzanine levels, vertical racks, and automated systems to maximize your warehouse’s capacity. See our Warehouse Space Optimization Checklist for ideas based on proven and cutting edge strategies.


      Implementing the following improvements can significantly enhance productivity, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

      1. Streamlining Workflows: Identify bottlenecks and eliminate unnecessary steps in your workflows. Encourage open communication between departments, enabling them to collaborate and find innovative ways to streamline processes.
      2. Implementing Automation: Automation is integral to modern warehouse operations, especially in pick-and-pack fulfillment. Automated systems can be incredibly efficient, significantly reducing the time it takes throughout the entire process. They can also reduce errors and increase accuracy. Automation might be guided vehicles, robots, automated storage and retrieval systems, or conveyor systems. Advanced systems also use AI or machine learning to improve their effectiveness further, learning from past performance to optimize future operations.
      3. Employing Dimensional Right-sizing: This refers to ensuring that the right-sized package is used for each item. Right-sizing is critical because shipping carriers often charge based on dimensional weight, which considers a package’s size and weight. By using the smallest possible package that can safely and securely contain an item, warehouses can minimize shipping costs. Moreover, it helps optimize the warehouse’s storage space, reducing waste and improving overall efficiency.
      4. Considering Dimensional (DIM) Weight: DIM weight is a pricing technique used by shipping carriers that considers package volume to determine pricing. In other words, a large yet lightweight package may cost more to ship than a small, heavy package. By understanding and considering DIM weights, warehouses can make intelligent decisions about how they pack and ship items. For instance, if an item can be disassembled or packed more compactly without risk of damage, it may be more cost-effective to do so.
        It’s important to note that these three aspects—automation, dimensional right-sizing, and understanding of DIM weights—are beneficial in isolation and can reinforce each other synergistically. For example, automation systems can be designed and programmed to optimize for dimensional right-sizing and DIM weights, leading to an even more significant overall increase in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Here’s a free to use DIM Weight calculator that also explains how DIM weight is calculated differently by FedEx, UPS and USPS.
      5. Utilizing Pick and Pack Software: Software solutions can be a warehouse manager’s best friend in the digital era. Invest in pick-and-pack software that integrates seamlessly with your inventory management system. These tools can optimize order-picking routes, provide real-time visibility into stock levels, and generate valuable reports for data-driven decision-making.
      6. Optimizing Space Utilization: Analyze your warehouse layout and storage methods to identify areas of improvement. Implement intelligent storage solutions that make the most of your available space. From high-density racks to narrow aisle configurations, every square foot counts. See our Warehouse Space Optimization Checklist for ideas based on proven and cutting edge strategies.
      7. Choosing the Right Packaging Solution: Your warehouse’s success hinges heavily on selecting the right packaging solution. While packaging must be robust enough to protect the product during transit, it should also be optimized to minimize shipping costs. Poor packaging can result in damage to products, leading to customer dissatisfaction and costly returns or replacements. Proper packaging reduces the risk of damage, significantly reducing these additional expenses.

      Learn more about warehouse automation in this short video from NetSuite (01:10)


      Optimizing pick-and-pack operations involves several essential best practices. These include standardizing procedures for consistency, using precise product identification methods for accuracy, implementing efficient packaging techniques for customer satisfaction, and adopting sustainable practices for environmental responsibility.

      1. Standardizing Work Procedures: Consistency is the key to success. Standardize work procedures to ensure every employee follows the same process. Standardization minimizes errors, reduces training time, and promotes a culture of excellence. Document standard operating procedures (SOPs) and provide regular training updates to keep everyone on the same page.
      2. Ensuring Accurate Product Identification: Accuracy is non-negotiable in the world of pick and pack. Implement precise product identification methods such as barcodes, RFID tags, or QR codes. Train your staff to pay attention to details and verify product information before packing. Eliminating confusion and errors will enhance customer satisfaction and build a reputation for reliability.
      3. Efficient Packaging Techniques: Packaging is not just a means to an end; it’s an opportunity to impress your customers. Optimize your packaging techniques to strike the perfect balance between protection and efficiency. Use appropriate box sizes, invest in protective materials, and ensure sturdy sealing. You’ll earn customer loyalty and minimize returns by delivering packages in pristine condition. See how our packaging systems accomplish these objectives and more.
      4. Embracing sustainability: In the age of environmental consciousness, sustainability is no longer a choice—it’s a responsibility. Explore eco-friendly packaging options such as recycled materials, biodegradable alternatives, and minimalistic designs. Reduce waste, optimize packaging size, and embrace sustainable practices throughout your pick and pack processes. Show your customers that you care about the planet as much as you care about their orders.


      That wraps up our guide on optimizing your pick-and-pack warehouse operations. We hope you’ve found these insights helpful and enlightening, whether setting up a new warehouse or refining an existing one. Remember, every detail counts, from the location of your warehouse to the packaging solutions you use. Each component is interconnected, contributing to the overall effectiveness of your operations and the satisfaction of your customers. Make wise choices, continuously learn, and strive to improve, and you’ll set your warehouse up for long-term success.

      Get your no obligation quote to see how ITB Packaging can optimize your E-commerce distribution and fulfillment center packaging for greater density, superior protection and sustainability.


      Setting Up Your Pick and Pack Warehouse:
      • Find the perfect warehouse location considering various factors
      • Design a layout that maximizes efficiency and minimizes unnecessary movement
      • Invest in sturdy shelving units, pallet racks, and conveyors for storage and movement
      • Implement technology, like automated sorting systems and barcode scanners
      • Establish an inventory management system to track stock levels and forecast demand
      • Hire dedicated individuals and provide comprehensive training
      Implementing Picking and Packing Methods:
      • Divide your warehouse into zones and assign them to specific pickers (Zone Picking)
      • Group similar orders together for optimization (Wave Picking)
      • Select products for multiple orders simultaneously (Batch Picking)
      • Implement piece picking for complex or fragile products (Piece Picking)
      Selecting an Order Fulfillment Approach:
      • Consider merchant fulfillment if you wish to manage the entire order process
      • Opt for dropshipping if you want to act as an intermediary without holding inventory
      • Outsource the entire order fulfillment process to a third-party company if needed
      • Use a blended approach to leverage the benefits of various fulfillment methods
      Addressing Challenges in Pick and Pack Warehouses:
      • Identify and address inefficiencies promptly
      • Implement rigorous inspection procedures for quality control
      • Efficiently manage time to meet customer expectations
      • Optimize space usage to save resources and costs
      Suggesting Improvements for Pick and Pack Processes:
      • Identify bottlenecks and eliminate unnecessary steps in workflows
      • Implement automation to increase efficiency
      • Use pick-and-pack software for seamless integration with your inventory management system
      • Optimize space utilization using intelligent storage solutions
      • Implement dimensional rightsizing, using the smallest, safest packaging to minimize shipping costs and optimize storage space
        Understand and make packaging decisions based on DIM weights to reduce costs further and optimize space
      • Choose a packaging solution that works with automation, rightsizing and DIM weight shipping
      Best Practices for Pick and Pack Operations:
      • Standardize work procedures to minimize errors
      • Implement precise product identification methods such as barcodes, RFID tags, or QR codes
      • Optimize packaging techniques for better protection and efficiency
      • Embrace sustainable practices in all your pick-and-pack processes
      Download this checklist to keep as a reference.

      Remember, continuous improvement is the key to unlocking the full potential of your pick-and-pack warehouse operations. Happy optimizing!